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Jumat, 23 Agustus 2013

Download IDM Terbaru Gratis Full Version

Download IDM Terbaru Gratis Full Version - Free Download IDM Terbaru - IDM (Internet Download Manager) yaitu software aplikasi yang digunakan untuk memaksimalkan kecepatan bandwith download. Software IDM sekarang menempati posisi pertama dalam memaksimal kecepatan mengunduh data (sumber wikipedia) tapi tidak tahu untuk kedepanya apakah mungkin ada lagi software lain yang bisa lebih baik dari IDM, kita doa kan saja semoga ada dan itu hasil produk indonesia aammiienn. Sudah banyak versi IDM yang terus update disini saya akan posting IDM Terbaru Full Version yang sebelumnya juga saya telah share Download Mozilla Firefox Terbaru dan Download Winamp Terbaru.


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OK Semoga ini bisa membantu agan-agan semua yang lagi kepusingan mencari IDM yang terbaru, sebelum saya tutup bagi anda yang ingin berpenghasilan lebih di dunia maya silahkan baca artikel Cari Uang lewat Semoga membantu ^-^

Rabu, 21 Agustus 2013

Cara Membuat Lens Effect Pada CorelDRAW

Di tutorial ini kita akan mencoba membuat atau mengaplikasikan Lens Effect pada CORELDRAW (semua versi mulai 11,12,X3,X4), dengan tutorial ini diharapkan kita dapat mengembangkan sendiri dari penggunaan Lens Effect menurut imajinasi kita masing-masing. Langkah-langkahnya sebagai berikut :

Mari kita mulai Tutorial Coreldraw Dasar kali ini:

1. Sudah pasti buka corelDraw dan buat blank page

2. Buatlah beberapa lingkaran seperti gambar dibawah ini

setelah itu seleksi dua lingkaran kiri dan lalu combine (Ctrl+L) lalu beri warna Hitam, dan buatlah satu lingkaran kecil lagi sehingga seperti pada gambar dibawah ini

Groupkan (Ctrl+G) semua lingkaran bagian Kanan, lalu seleksi semua object dan centerkan ( C ).

3. Buat satu lingkaran besar (lebih besar dari lingkaran pertama) dan beri warna putih, letakan sesuai keinginan seperti pada gambar dibawah ini

hilangkan Out Linenya.

4. Transparasikan lingkaran putih tadi dengan menggunakan Transparency tool

Lalu akan keluar submenu diatas, pilih radial

Setelah itu, masukan object Lingkaran putih tadi pada lingkaran hitam dengan menggunakan Power Clip (Effect >> Power Clip >> Place Inside Continer), Letakan Sesuai kehendak, Buatlah object baru berupa persegi dan gunakan Text Tool lalu klikan pada garis(tepat pada garis object)Persegi, tulis sesuka hati, Ungroupkan (Ctrl+U) lingkaran kanan pertama tadi dan seleksilah lingkaran kecil, beriwarna putih dan transparasikan kembali dengan menggunakan Transparency Tool dan pilih linier.

6. Seleksi lingkaran yag tadi satu group dengan lingkaran kecil, lalu klik Effect >> Lens pada menu

Maka akan muncul Docker Window seperti pada gambar dibawah ini

Pilih Magnify, dan sesuaikan Amount dengan keinginan kita, sehingga menjadi seperti pada gambar dibawah ini

Dan kita tinggal mengexportnya menjadi JPEG untuk membuatnya menjadi bitmap
Docker Window : Window yang menampilkan Perintah-perintah yang dapat kita gunakankembali saat kita melakukan editing


KAca PEmbesar

Terimakasih dan Semoga bermanfaat, Selamat Mencoba dan Belajar Coreldraw


source :

Selasa, 20 Agustus 2013

Cari Uang lewat Sangat Mudah

Cari Uang lewat - Cara mencari uang melalui dunia maya ternyata tidak terlalu sulit kita hanya butuh sedikit keseriusan dan kerja keras yang cukup untuk berpenghasilan lebih melalui internet atau dunia maya contohnya mendaftaran blog ke website penyedia iklan, membuat bisnis jasa dan produk online, dan masih banyak lagi.

Salah satunya adalah Cari Uang lewat, adalah Perusahaan berbadan hukum dengan visi berkeinginan untuk menyediakan pasar online aman terbaik di tanah air, dengan motto "Jual beli online aman, nyaman, dan menyenangkan" bagi semua pembelinya. Serta kios GRATIS & FREE komisi kepada penjual yang bergabung. juga menawarkan beberapa produk penjualan baik itu software seperti Download Mozilla Firefox Terbaru, Download Winamp Terbaru, dan masih banyak lagi lainya. Keuntungan yang didapat dengan Cari Uang lewat bisa menggunakan Agency Ekilink dan Promosi via Ekilink.

OK Sekian informasi tentang cari uang lewat, semoga bagi kalian yang ingin mencoba berpenghasilan lebih via online  dan ingin menjual produk dengan cepat dan aman EKIOSKU.COM adalah solusi terbaik. ^-^

Cara Mudah Melacak Lokasi No Hp teman

terkadang kita kesulitan untuk mengetahui lokasi teman atau orang yang sering menjahili kita melalui via telpon,

Cara Melacak Lokasi Nomor Handphone – Halo sobat,,kali ini saya akan membantu sobat apabila Mungkin banyak Nomor HP Tak Dikenal Yang Misscal / Mengganggu Melalui Telepon / HP Anda Telepon anda Berikut Ini Adalah cara Ampuh Melacaknya …
Silaahkan Sobat lacak Nomor Telepon / Hanphone Yang Ingin Lo Lacak Dibawah Ini….
2. Masukkan no HP ( mis No. 087857016227 masukkan 6285236016227 )
3. Tunggu beberapa saat , satelit akan melacak nomor hp tersebut… semoga sukses

Sabtu, 27 Juli 2013

Cara Membuat Tanggal Sekarang Menggunakan PHP

Sahabat Belajar it, Cara Membuat Tanggal Sekarang Menggunakan PHP Sangat lah mudah, tapi terdakadang menjadi penghambat dalam pengerjaan suatu kasus tau suatu masalah. hehehe  ok langsung saja tips dan trikbagaimana cara membuat Tanggal sekarang dengan php, silahkan buka adobe dreamwever tulis kode di bawah ini:


<title> Tanggal Sekarang</title>
    Printf("Tanggal Sekarang : %s ",Date ("d F Y"));

Simpan Script di atas dengan nama sembarang, misalnya tanggal.php. Baca Selengkapnya

Sabtu, 20 Juli 2013


Metode Beru Menembus Ujian CPNS 2013

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Presentasi Materi

Latihan Soal
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Bahaya Merokok

Bahaya merokok dan dampaknya bagi kesehatan kita memang sudah dicantumkan pada pembungkus rokok yang dijual di pasaran.
Peringatan tersebut berbunyi, “Merokok dapat menyebabkan kanker, serangan jantung, impotensi, dan gangguan kehamilan”.
Namun, peringatan tersebut tidak disadari bagi para perokok, Mereka menyadarinya namun tidak begitu mempedulikannya karena memang sudah ketergantungan untuk mengisapnya.

Zat - zat berbahaya di dalam rokok tersebut,diantaranya
nikotin, tar, karbon monoksida, zat karsinogen, dan zat iritan.

Semua zat tersebut jika terus kita hisap dapat menimbulkan beberapa gangguan kesehatan.

Apa saja bahaya merokok bagi kesehatan yang wajib kita ketahui....? 

Berikut beberapa bahaya merokok bagi kesehatan kita :

Merokok bisa menyebabkan kanker paru bagi pria dan wanita.
Resiko kematian karena kanker paru 23 kali lebih tinggi pada pria perokok dan 13 kali lebih tinggi pada wanita perokok dibandingkan dengan mereka yang bukan perokok.

Seorang perokok bisa mengidap jantung koroner dan penyakit ini merupakan salah satu penyumbang terbesar angka kematian di Indonesia.

Merokok juga dapat menyebabkan resiko komplikasi dari diabetes,seperti penyakit mata,penyakit jantung, stroke, ginjal, dan lain lain.

4.Gangguan sistem syaraf otak
Merokok juga dapat mempengaruhi dan merusak sistem kerja syaraf otak dan menurunkan daya ingat.

5.Gangguan sistem pernafasan
Selain dapat membuat bau nafas kita tidak sedap, merokok juga dapat menyebabkan penyakit paru - paru kronis hingga 10 kali lipat lebih beresiko 90% pada kematian.

6.Penyakit Mulut
Penyakit mulut juga dapat diderita oleh perokok, contohnya kanker mulut, kanker leher, penyakit pada gigi, penyakit nafas ( asthma )

7.Gangguan Kehamilan dan Janin
Bagi para wanita yang merokok, dapat berakibat buruk pada kesehatan reproduksi dan janin dalam kandungan.
selain itu, merokok juga dapat membuat anda mengalami kemandulan, keguguran, kematian janin, bayi lahir dengan berat badan rendah.

8.Kerontokan Rambut
Perokok berat beresiko tinggi mengalami kerontokan rambut dan berujung pada kebotakan.

9.Menimbulkan Kebutaan
Merokok dapat meningkatkan resiko degenerasi makula yaitu penyebab kebutaan yang dialami orang tua.
Hasil riset yang dipublikasikan dalam ‘Archives of Ophthalmology’ pada tahun 2007 menunjukkan bahwa orang perokok 4 kali lebih mungkin mengalami degenerasi makula yang merusak makula, pusat retina, dan menghancurkan penglihatan sentral tajam.

Merokok juga mempengaruhi keseimbangan cairan dalam tubuh.
Jadi, perokok berat akan lebih sering merasa haus daripada orang yang tidak merokok.
Dampak jangka panjang dehidrasi sendiri yaitu bibir kering, kulit kering, dan gangguan saluran kencing.

Itulah beberapa bahaya merokok yang perlu kita ketahui, semoga bermanfaat bagi kita..
Mulailah berhenti merokok demi kesehatan anda...!

Sabtu, 06 Juli 2013

Cause & Effect of Smoking

Smoking is one of the main issues that mankind today is confronted with in the world. Smoking is known to have started as early as 1439 A.D. Rodrigo de Jerez was the first ever smoker in Europe, and the development of cigars was originated by the Native American people. In the twentieth century, cigars were advertised all over the world as a harmless, anti-stress product with little or no side effects. Smoking was eventually become widespread all over English-speaking continents and was even popular among women. As technology became more advanced, the adverse effects of smoking on human health have increased exponentially. Researchers officially declared smoking as a harmful habit that in most of the cases is fatal. There are many reasons why people resort to smoking; many of the choices are based on the individual’s decisions. Much of temptation to start smoking is based on the advertising propaganda carried out by cigarette manufacturers. People at home see the images of smoking people on their television screens, in newspapers, and magazines. Children are influenced by their parents and may be mislead to the thinking that smoking poses no danger. Statistics show that about nine out of ten tobacco users start smoking before they are eighteen years old. Peer pressure is another main reason why teenagers choose to do things they shouldn’t do: befriending the wrong group of people who might represent a negative example. Quite often it is the friends who persuade each other to start smoking or purchase a pack of cigarettes only to try what smoking is all about. Smoking is often portrayed in today’s society as a “cool” and “hip” thing to do. Moreover, on many occasions, smoking can contribute to the status of a person. The fact that it makes you look “cool” can tempt a person to light up and eventually harm his or her health. Culture can also have a powerful impact on whether smoking is accepted by society. For example, in Turkey it might not be as frowned upon as in Switzerland. Some surveys point out that smoking is usually perceived as producing relaxing effect; this can particularly appeal to businessmen and people who have stressful occupations. The harmful effects of smoking usually manifest themselves in one’s health over a long-term period. A cigarette contains three harmful substances that can lead to fatal illnesses. Nicotine is one of the most harmful chemicals in a cigarette. Nicotine is an addictive substance that can lead to having just one puff of a cigarette into buying numerous packets and smoking them all. Addiction can also result in absolutely unnecessary expenses, but most importantly this habit is very hard to part with which eventually leads to mostly irreversible damages to health. Most adults who start smoking in their teen years never expected to become addicted. Tar is another component in a cigarette which contributes to the harmful effects of smoking. It is a brown, tacky chemical that is left behind on the end of the cigarette filter. It stains the smoker’s teeth and fingers and it also coats everything with a brownish-yellow film. The build-up of tar in lungs can eventually cause cancer; it is now the most common causes of death among regular smokers. Moreover, cigarettes produce carbon monoxide which is, when inhaled, reduces the oxygen intake by red blood cells. This leads to shortness of breath, overall fatigue, and complications with heart and lungs. What makes smoking frowned upon by society is that it not only affects the individual smoker’s health but also other civilians around. Second hand smokers are also highly affected by the same damaging effects produced by cigarettes. The causes and effects of smoking are being discussed frequently among our society, and more and more solutions to resolve this issue are being brought up worldwide. Being in the media-age, propaganda and commercial advertising plays a big part in the indoctrination of our generation. People see what they believe about smoking and are led to thinking it’s a solution to problems like peer pressure, stress, and feeling left out. However, the actual effects of smoking include a high risk of cancer, addiction, and fatigue. Men, women and children are informed constantly of these circumstances, but still today, smoking remains as a recurring topic on the list of the main issues around the world.

Sabtu, 29 Juni 2013

This song just for my Dad...

Hey dad look at me
Think back and talk to me
Did I grow up according to plan?
Do you think I’m wasting my time doing things I wanna do?
but it hurts when you disapprove all along

And now I try hard to make it
I just want to make you proud
I’m never gonna be good enough for you
I can’t pretend that I’m alright
And you can’t change me

Cuz we lost it all
Nothing lasts forever
I’m sorry
I can’t be perfect
Now it’s just too late and
We can’t go back
I’m sorry
I can’t be perfect

I try not to think
About the pain I feel inside
Did you know you used to be my hero?
All the days you spend with me
Now seem so far away
And it feels like you don’t care anymore
And now I try hard to make it
I just want to make you, proud
I’m never gonna be good enough for you
I can’t stand another fight
And nothing’s alright

Cuz we lost it all
Nothing lasts forever
I’m sorry
I can’t be perfect

Now it’s just too late and
We can’t go back
I’m sorry
I can’t be perfect

Nothing’s gonna change the things that you said
Nothing’s gonna make this right again
Please don’t turn your back
I can’t believe it’s hard
Just to talk to you
But you don’t understand

Cuz we lost it all
Nothing lasts forever
I’m sorry
I can’t be perfect
Now it’s just too late and
We can’t go back
I’m sorry
I can’t be perfect...


If you were asked to name a part of the body that was damaged by smoking, chances are you would say lungs. Whilst this is absolutely true, smoking can damage every part of your body from your head right down to your toes.
So starting from the top here is our list of nasty illnesses:
These are caused by damage to brain cells when their blood supply is interrupted. This often causes death or leaves people disabled, unable to speak or with memory loss depending on which part of the brain is affected. Although there are different reasons why people have strokes, smoking is the single biggest cause. We know Smokebusters are a brainy bunch so look after those billions of brain cells that are thousands of times more complicated than your computer!
We all value our eyesight but the nasty chemicals in smoke can make you go blind – another great reason to be smokefree!
Add to this CANCER OF THE NOSE AND THROAT for a trio of really dangerous illnesses that are mainly found in smokers. You may lose your voice box or have part of your mouth removed if you get these types of cancer.


You certainly won’t look or feel your best with these and everyone else will notice them too. Hairy tongue is caused by the papillae on the surface of your tongue growing longer so they look like hairs. It can be caused by poor oral hygiene, chronic oral irritation and/or smoking. How gross is that? Add in smelly breath and yellow and black teeth….and, to think, some people say smoking is “cool”.
Of all the different types of cancer in the world, lung cancer causes the most deaths. Over 90% of the cases of lung cancer are caused by smoking so by being smokefree you have a great chance of protecting yourself against the number one cancer killer.
Hard to say, hard to spell and even harder to live with, this is a lung disease where the air sacs in the lungs become very big and look like black honeycomb. It can’t be cured and people who have this disease find it really hard to breathe. Imagine how much that would affect your life. No running, no playing and no having fun.
This is the most common cause of death in Britain and can happen when the heart doesn’t get enough oxygen. Smoking takes away your oxygen and can also block the arteries that bring blood to your heart. Smoking is the single biggest cause of heart attacks so you know that being smokefree makes a lot of sense! Be kind to your heart and don’t smoke, take plenty of exercise and eat healthily.


This includes CANCER OF THE LIVER, STOMACH AND INTESTINES which are more common in smokers than non smokers. It just goes to show that all those harmful chemicals don’t just stay in one part of your body – they get everywhere!
We said smoking affects you from your head to your toes and here is the bit about toes. We need oxygen in every part of our body. We already said that smoking takes away your oxygen and if it can’t reach your fingers and toes the tissue dies. The skin becomes pale and then turns black and the fingers and toes have to be removed by amputation which means they have to be cut off. This can also spread to your arms and legs. Thanks all the same but we’d rather hang on to our bodies!

Cigarette Addiction

Cigarette Addiction

  • Cigarettes affect your entire body in a negative way. Eight seconds after you inhale cigarette smoke, nicotine (the chief active principle of tobacco) reaches your brain and stimulates pleasure centers. You like the feeling, so you smoke again. Your body eventually builds up a tolerance for tobacco and you need more to get the good feeling. Eventually, you realize how much you're harming your body and you decide to quit. But not smoking gives you headaches and makes you grouchy, restless, depressed and hungry. You're addicted, and the chances that you'll be able to quit are only one in 10, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse.

Effects of Cigarettes on Your Body

  • According to an August 2008 American Cancer Society study, smoking lowers the amount of oxygen in your body. Tiny air sacs in the lungs are damaged as soon as smoke hits them. Lack of oxygen leads to lack of energy. This, along with diseases caused by the cigarettes (such as emphysema, tuberculosis, cancer, bronchitis, asthma and pneumonia), eventually destroys your lungs.
    Smoking also affects your circulation. The cilia that move cells through blood in your body are damaged. Blood vessels are damaged. Your heart beats faster and your blood pressure goes up. Smoking cigarettes can cause heart disease and strokes.
    Cigarettes negatively affect your sex organs and reproductive system. According to a 1996 study by the American Council on Science and Health, men who smoke are twice as likely to have problems getting an erection. The sperm count is lower and the sperm don't move around as much. Women who smoke are more likely to get breast and cervical cancer. Conceiving a child is more difficult for female smokers, and menopause comes earlier for them. Pregnant women who smoke can miscarry, have a baby with a low birth weight, or have a premature or stillborn baby. Babies with smoking parents are more likely to die of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. Breastfeeding mothers who smoke should know that tar and nicotine are passed to their babies through breast milk.
    Your stomach and kidneys don't perform effectively if you smoke. Cigarettes can irritate and cause inflammation in the intestines and stomach, and painful ulcers can form, according to a July 2007 study by the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. Your skin wrinkles quickly because of poor circulation. You have bad breath, yellow and brown stains on your teeth, Diagnostic tests can be inaccurate, and smoking cigarettes can affect the way your medication works.

Cigarettes Affect Nonsmokers

  • People who don't smoke are affected by the cigarette smoke in their environment. The Environmental Protection Agency estimated that 3,000 nonsmokers died of lung cancer in 1999 because of second-hand smoke. The American Cancer Society's November 1999 study on second-hand smoke proved nonsmokers develop lung cancer, heart disease and many other illnesses from inhaling somebody else's cigarette smoke. Children also suffer damage from second-hand smoke: They're more likely to have respiratory problems, asthma, infections and other illnesses. Babies' lungs are too tiny to be able to tolerate cigarette smoke, and being around smoke can make it difficult for them to breathe.
    There are better ways than smoking to handle stress that won't kill you and those around you. Knowing how cigarettes affect your body is good motivation to find them.


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